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Next Steps in the Search for Sun Valley's New Principal

Posted Date: 3/07/24 (6:18 PM)

Next Steps in the Search for Sun Valley's New Principal

Dear Sun Valley Community,

I am incredibly grateful for Kim Evan’s four outstanding years of service to the students, teachers, staff and community of Sun Valley Elementary School. Kim’s warm personality, caring and tireless leadership and student-centered approach have enriched the Sun Valley community beyond measure! 

The Board, District leadership and I are committed to finding a highly-qualified and skilled leader who will continue Sun Valley’s positive trajectory. We have begun the search and recruitment process to find the best match for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. The principal position is currently posted. In addition to the job posting, we have a recruitment flyer and encourage you to share it with potential candidates. 

As we move through this process, it is important that we hear input and feedback from the Sun Valley community about what skills, attributes and characteristics you believe are critical for the school’s next leader. Please complete our anonymous and confidential short survey to share your feedback. 

Lastly, if you are interested in being considered as one of the limited number of parent representatives on the advisory interview panel which will take place on March 18, please contact Roxana Cruz in Human Resources at or 415-492-3531.

Thank you for your support and partnership!


Carmen Diaz Ghysels
San Rafael City Schools  |
310 Nova Albion Way
San Rafael, CA 94903